Gear Track Wing Nut Modification by
Rob-kayak (last update Monday, August 20, 2018)
Using ZipTies has been a succesfull method for tieing off
cord and bungies. Only melt one end of cord
so it can pass through the hole(s) in the Wingnut you have drilled. You
only melt one end now because you are going to cut again and
re-melt. I am using 1/8inch 160lb Para Cord. Do not over
drill you holes.. holes are drilled closest to the ends. Pass
the melted end through the holes. Cinch you ZipTies just
enough to snug measure your loops. I suggest
your loops just big enough you can pass a normal bungie cord
hook.. but the size of the loop is your choice. I
suggest you experiment with one wingnut so you get the process
down.. then you can assembly line the process and it goes quickly
You have figured out your loop size... cinch super tight
the ZipTie... Cut off the loose ends... And now you will
melt the ends until you have a little blob.. which further
keeps the ZipTie from passing off the end. DON'T MAKE
TOO BIG A BLOB ! Because the ZipTie and blob will be
tucked into the head of WingNut
And if you get it right... the finished off end will tuck
neatly inside the head of the Wingnut.. you may need to use
needlenose pliers to press the ends in. The ZipTie "likes"
to fit in the head at a correct direction.. ie: the head of
the Wingnut is bigger towards the middle.. which accommodates
the ZipTie oval shape You can see some are not perfect..
but close enough.. and work just as well. I suggest you
experiment with one wingnut so you get the process down.. then
you can assembly line the process and it goes quickly.