Goodhands Creek Trip
Kayak and Canoe Launch
Queen Annes County, Maryland
Best to use in GPS--> Goodhands Creek Road, Chester, MD 21619
  Contact Phone: 410-758-0835
You will actually drive down to the "elbow" of Goodhands Creek Road...
 Queen Annes County has a launch fee, or "parking fee" for their parks.
Fee Information/Applications can be consulted by this following link...
Permits,can be purchased same day at Angler's Sport Center, along Route 50 just before the Bay Bridge and Sand Point State Park (west of the Bridge).
Annapolis: Angler’s Sport Center…410-757-3442 (2013 $10day/$35year)

     Click the Pic Above for Google Maps

Goodhand Creek Kayak Fishing Trip
October 4th, 2013
The Dance with The Tides.....

First trip to the "Narrows"... and after much research... the tide would be an important factor to the route and the day's fishing and paddle.
At the Kent Narrow's Bridge.. it is a narrow passage between the Chester River to the north, and Prospect Bay to the south.   And as such... a strong current passes through the "Narrows" with the tide.    Many stories are told battling the current under the Narrows Bridge... fighting position fishing, landing fish drifting quickly between the spans... trying to recover snagged gear while maintaing direction... all the time dodging boats.
  And of course shore fisherman that take pleasure at making you a bombing target with three once weights.    I was lucky... only a few boats.. no shore fisherman..  there was a modest current.

The Narrows area is an interesting area... especially if you are only accoustom to current in a wide body of water.    There are many variances of shoreline, and quick fluctuations of depths.   And it is fun !  If not challenging.   Leaving the launch at Goodhands Creek... it is a very mellow soothing paddle.   One makes his way out of the calm tributary and enters the area either north of Hog Island or south.    Heading north I made my way close to shore... and then headed towards the "Narrows" between the breakwater and shore... and into the main body of the Narrows.   
At point X between the breakwater and the shoreline the water goes deep.    There are upwellings and eddies... you can hunker down behind the breakwater to maintain position or anchor if you choose to fish this area.   I tossed out some lures without much enthusiasm... a boat was working the area and I didn't feel to give the area competition.   

I headed for crossing under the Kent Narrows Bridge.   And as it was a day with a modest current, I was paddling against the current (tide going out)... it was still quite a challenge.   Making one mile per hour with good effort.  Mind you... I'm in a bit of tug boat as the Pescadora is only ten feet long.

There are many eddies and currents as you make your way out past the Narrows along the points of land.  And many fishing oportunities along the wayand into the Chester River.    Two things I wanted to try... One was that although the Spot were decreasing in the shallows, fishing reports had them hunkering down in deeper water.   I wanted to make it out north of the Narrows and into deeper water to try and get some spot.  Two was to try and work the wrecks at Point C on the map.   You often see boats working Point C when you cross the Kent Narrows Bridge.   I got to
Point C... and fished for a while... no fish were showing on the sonar (fish finder) and I didn't have any success.   I had concerns about fighing the current back through the Narrows as the tide turn was in an hour and half.... so making deeper waters north was out of the pland.   I drifted back north in the Chester River... fishing, eating a snack... and having a cigar.  Enjoying the day and taking some pictures.

I worked my way back into the Narrows... and worked the Narrows and boat docks.   I caught a handful of Perch in the docks.... and caught four Blues in the ten to twelve inch size.   I kept the Blues putting them in the ice chest.   A boat was working the Narrows under the bridge but without much success as I passed through to the south with the out going tide.   As this was an exploratory trip, first trip, to the area, I went with the tide and saw off in the distance a small beach that I'd make for lunch.   I caught two Rockfish along the way near Point E... there were in the ten inch size... happy to have caught some Stripers trolling on the beautiful day I made the beach and had lunch at Pont F.    By now the tide had turned and I paddled my way back.
Caught some fish... a great day....












                      The Scenic Tour of Goodhands Creek Kayak Trip

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