Compilation of Dissolved Oxygen, Salinity, and Water Temperatures
for various points on the Chesapeake Bay May to November 20, 2013

Dissolved Oxygen Levels.
Almost always the highest level will be at the end of the daylight day... there is often a morning blip.   There may be aberrations where an algae bloom or massive water run off will deplete the O2.   I haven't coordinated full moon nights and days, but it would be interesting.
Typical One day Chart for Annapolis.   For November 19-20, 2013

200 Day Chart Oxygen Annapolis

200 Day Chart Oxygen Goose Reef (middle of the bay)

200 Day Chart Oxygen Point Lookout (in the Potomac)

200 Day Chart Oxygen First Landing (Mouth of Chesapeake Bay)


Salinity Levels in the Chesapeake Bay May to November 20, 2013

200 Day Chart Salinity Annapolis

200 Day Chart Salinity Goose Reef (middle of the bay)

200 Day Chart Salinity Point Lookout (in the Potomac)

200 Day Chart Salinity First Landing (Mouth of Chesapeake Bay)


Water Temperatures in the Chesapeake Bay May to November 20, 2013

200 Day Chart Water Temperatures Annapolis

200 Day Chart Water Temperatures  Goose Reef (middle of the bay)

200 Day Chart Water Temperatures Point Lookout (in the Potomac)

200 Day Chart Water Temperatures First Landing (Mouth of Chesapeake Bay)

Information derived from Chesapeake Bay Interpretive Buoy System


This webpage provided for information purposes only.